It is the birthday of chiropractic!
We as a profession have been caring for patients since 1895. Dr. D.D. Palmer was the first doctor of chiropractic. He gave the first adjustment to Mr. Harvey Lillard! The greatest news was Harvey regained his hearing after that adjustment. He was deaf since his younger years. Dr.Palmer first thought he found the cure for deafness. Not so, but many people who had nerve interference had regained thier hearing.Others did not they had other issues.
We found that the power that created the body is the power that heals the body .We can heal and change many conditions through chiropractic care. The reason is that when the spine has a subluxation(misalignment)it affects the nervous system. So, if a nerve is not functioning properly then the body is not working at it's optimal level. To keep your the body at a optimal health be sure to be checked regularly for spinal subluxation . Learn more about the simple things you can do to add years to your life. I listened to a CD today that said no one can change there genetics as of yet. Each of us are programmed on how long we will live, but we can change the quality of our lives by choosing health and this may add years to your life. Check back for more tips.
Live long and healthy!
Dr. Kulp
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