Friday, May 28, 2010

Fun Facts

Asthma Suffers did you Know?

Fact # 1
Asthmatics who supplemented magnesium demonstrated significant improvements in their asthma symptoms and in their quality of life. Magnesium in this population exhibited anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Listen to a previous Clinical Rounds call entitled The Many Roles of Magnesium featuring Aileen Burford-Mason, Ph.D.

Source: Effect of Oral Magnesium Supplementation on Measures of Airway Resistance and Subjective Assessment of Asthma Control and Quality of Life in Men and Women with Mild to Moderate Asthma

Fact # 2
Giving birth to weak bones.

A recent study has shown that women who use certain types of injectable birth control run a greater risk of bone fracture than those women who do not use this form of birth control. It appears that these types of birth control, over time, will deplete bone mineralization thus increasing bone loss, making the bones weaker and thereby more susceptible to fracture. Birth control should not be setting you up for osteoporosis in years to come. Beware, be informed read what ever drugs you are using and research there side effects and know what you can do to prevent side effects. Know what other options you may have when researching choices.

Source: Long-Term Use of Certain Contraception Injections Associated With Increased Fracture Risk

Fact #3

More and more positive news continues to come out regarding the protective effects and anti-carcinogenic properties of vitamin K. It now appears that those with higher levels of vitamin K have a lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Vitamin K is actually a small group of chemical compounds with similar compositions. Vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 are the two primary forms of vitamin K that possess the most active properties in the human body.

Vitamin K1, found primarily in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, is most commonly associated with blood coagulation. Vitamin K2, primarily manufactured by our own intestinal bacteria, is normally associated with optimal bone health.

Source: Vitamin K May Protect Against Developing Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Say Mayo Clinic Researchers

Fact #4

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the omega-3 fatty acid found primarily in cold water fish and fish oil, was found, in adolescent boys, to increase activation of the pre-frontal cortex and improve reaction time when the test subjects were assigned tasks requiring sustained attention.

Source: Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation increases prefrontal cortex activation during sustained attention in healthy boys

Fact # 5

Glutamine supplementation in very low birth weight infants was shown to be hepatic or liver protective while it also reduced liver enzymes as well.

It is not uncommon for infants born with very low birth weight to have been born with liver problems that may require medical intervention.

Source:Protection effect of parenteral glutamine supplementation on hepatic function in very low birth weight infants

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