Thursday, May 10, 2012

Smoking Cessation - How to Stop Smoking!

Lifestyle Recommendations:

  1. Avoid stress and extra obligations.
  2. Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking.
  3. Participate in a regular balanced exercise program that includes wearing a pedometer to ensure that you collect steps and move more. High intensity short bursts (20-60 seconds) of activity during the day is recommended to enhance growth hormone release. Also engage in resistance training that works all major muscle groups (work each group at least 2 times a week).

Dietary Recommendations:

  1. Avoid all sugars. Replace sugar with the polyol sugar xylitol.
  2. Avoid white flour and all refined carbohydrates including cereals and pasta.
  3. Get a balance of omega 3's (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega 9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados).
  4. Choose lean, clean quality protein at each meal such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, fish (especially salmon and sardines), eggs and whey protein.
  5. Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.
  6. Cook with olive oil at low heat.
  7. Snack on vegetables and small amounts of nuts, olives or avocado.
  8. Eat 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily (fruits must be limited to 1 -2 per day due to sugar content) OR add one heaping tablespoon of PaleoGreens and PaleoReds to your favorite drink.
  9.  Carry PaleoMeal Packets and/or PaleoBars with you to prevent missing meals or snacks.

Supplement Recommendations:

In addition to the core nutrient program recommended by your Health Care Professional and/or from the results of your most recent Designs for Health Metabolic Profile:
  1. CraveArrest: 1-2 before each meal to reduce desire for cigarettes (3-6 per day). Works best on an empty stomach.
  2. Chromium Synergy: 1 with each meal to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce cigarette cravings (2-3 per day)
  3. Adrenotone Plus: 1 with each meal to improve adrenal function for better physiological control of stress, also improves blood sugar control (3 per day)
  4. Milk Thistle: 1 with each meal to aid liver detoxification of cigarette chemicals and antioxidant protection (3 per day)
Call us for a Nutrition Program specifically designed for your needs!
Kulp Chiropractic Clicnic, Inc and Nutrition Center.