Monday, July 30, 2012

Vitamins for Health

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in maintaining health in the immune and digestive systems, helping your body use the energy from food where it’s needed and protecting it from disease and infection.

Listed are a few vitamins and minerals to pay attention to:
  • Calcium and Magnesium– to keep your bones strong and resilient and maintain healthy muscle and nerve function
  • Vitamin D- maintains bone health and aids calcium absorption, which is essential for a healthy lower back.
  • Vitamin C – also assists calcium absorption to promote healthy bones and aid healing; also strengthens the immune system
  • B Vitamins –can reduce inflammation and nourish nerves
  • Vitamin E –Low back or other body inflammation causes the release of toxic free radicals, which increase the inflammation. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals.
Dr. Donna Kulp

Team Chiropractor Reading Royals
Team Chiropractor Reading Express

t: 610-2080-0404
f :610-208-0717 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What can you do to prevent pain while you are traveling?

1.    Take Breaks: if you are stuck on a plane, get up and move around as often as possible. If you are on the road make sure you stop the car every once and a while to stretch out your legs and move around.

2.    Drink Water: Make sure that you are drinking often. Flying dehydrates your body, since your joints need lubrication, lack of water intake will cause bigger problems than just a dry mouth. Plus frequent water intake will ensure frequent trips to the bathroom which will get you out of your seat more often

3.    Get as much sleep as possible (especially if you are dealing with a time change). Give yourself permission to take a nap. Expose yourself to daylight to help you reset your internal clock.

4.    Prepare! If you know that you have a hectic travel schedule you should prepare your body with some simple core strengthening exercises. Physical preparation involves more than just routine exercise and what you do to look good. The type of physical preparation I am referring to involves strengthening the small muscles of your body. These are the muscles that support and stabilize your joints. Within your body you have two sets of muscles, those that create motion and those that control motion. Following a core activation program that focuses on the smaller muscles involved with control and stability can pay off by protecting your body against such things as low back pain, hip pain and knee pain. This type of resistance needed to perform such exercises involves only your body weight so you can perform the routine anywhere, anytime.

 Dr. Donna Kulp

Team Chiropractor Reading Royals
Team Chiropractor Reading Express

t: 610-2080-0404
f :610-208-0717

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What is Nutritional Consulting?

What is nutritional consulting?

It is a termed used for a person to get proper direction about their health, wellness and lifestyle. The goal is to improve your current health levels.

Why might one need to seek Nutritional Consulting?

The number one reason is to be sure you are eating as well as you can be and getting the desired results from your eating program. Do you know what you need to see if you are lacking in anything nutritionally? To treat a specific health issue with natural alternatives verse more medications? Just want to feel better? If you feel older than your friends do, if you want to lose weight? Want a safe and healthy detoxification program? You want someone to look over your existing nutritional program? Have high cholesterol, triglycerides, gut issues, constipation or diarrhea? Some of our patients are here as a last resort to wellness. They have been everywhere and do not know what is wrong.  We begin to unravel their health issues and offer direction. I, Dr. Kulp will also work with your current team of health care practitioners.

Why consult with me, Dr. Kulp? My answer to my patients is: I will offer more than just a consult on what to eat. My goal is to educate you on a lifestyle to live every day to the fullest and live for a lifetime of wellness. I seek to find what is causing your current health issues then I design a plan to get to the root of the issues and we start there.

What is involved with nutritional consulting with Dr. Kulp

1st we start with an initial visit of 1 hour to determine what your goals are. During this hour, I will ask a lot of questions and take a detailed health history and exam along with in office testing. You will be sent home with a diet log and lab slip to have blood drawn, if this is warranted for your case. You will also complete specific health questionnaires at home that will further indicate how I will manage your individual health issues.

2nd visit we will discuss what the plan will be and how we will treat your specific issue(s). At this time I will make recommendations for specialized testing if needed. I will review your blood results if you had blood testing. Further suggestions are made about diet changes and nutritional supplements to resolve your deficient nutrients.

Future visits address and review any other testing, follow up testing, goal setting, diet evaluation, retesting, and one on one education on your specific condition.

Each person is treated as an individual. Two peoples weight loss programs may be very different based on each person’s needs

I also treat specific health issues like digestive health issues such as irritable bowel, yeast issues, poor health, obesity, weight loss, infertility issues, chronic fatigue, low iron, disease prevention, detoxification and cleansing programs, chronic joint pains, inflammation and much more. It is a great prevention program where you can learn to prevent sickness and disease by choosing a better life style in general.

Health is something we create. We are all susceptible to disease but the better care we take of our body, the bettered our life will be overall.

.My programs are designed around eating whole, healthy, natural foods and organic foods with a large emphasis on educating you on caring for yourself.

Dr. Donna Kulp 

Team Chiropractor Reading Royals

Team Chiropractor Reading Express

t: 610-2080-0404

f :610-208-0717